4 essential baby health kit to have on you

4 essential baby health kit to have on you


Having a baby is an exciting thing I always stay and staying alert to take care of your baby is necessary.  Babies wander and play a lot. Having these baby health kit items handy can assist you with quick rapid response should in case accidents occur.

Number 1 Baby Health Kit- Cotton wool and spirit.

We don’t always wish this happens but in case your child has an accidental fall or cut while playing, he or she can get his wounds cleaned properly to avoid infection

Plaster and Band-Aid

This item is most needed incase there is a it and you need to apply pressure and close up the area so germs and infection doesn’t come in. This can be bought at any pharmacy or departmental store near you

Paracetamol or Acetaminophen

Over the counter medication needs to be properly read before being administered. You have to read the label in terms of the weight of your baby, age and dosage. This ratio should be known and spelt out on the pack of the drug with a measuring spoon or syringe. Paracetamol or acetaminophen ease pains and aches.

Nearest hospital or pediatrician call lines.

These should be written down and placed in your baby health kit bag or box. This is important incase your phone is out of battery or you are not near your child at the moment, someone can access it and place the call through

Thank you for reading. Always check your items before using them incase they are expired or their seals are damaged.
Quickly discard and do not use.

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Itohan Omeike

Wife, Mom, Blogger, Saxophonist, Programmer/Web Developer, Business Mogul, and Most Especially Lover Of God.

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